BMS Setup

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Falcon BMS banner by Benchmark Sims

This page will help you to learn how to setup the Falcon BMS, including Install Falcon BMS and update to the latest version (Windows and Linux using Wine or Steam Proton). Base intro to the Falcon BMS Alternative Launcher. Controllers keymapping. Join or host multiplayer server.

Installing BMS

To install Falcon BMS first you need to own an official copy of Falcon 4.0 and have it installed. Falcon BMS will check for files and registry keys installed by the original Falcon during installation process and at each launch. Falcon 4.0 can be found on Steam, GOG, or physical copy from ebay etc.

WIndows Installation

  1. Download the Falcon BMS Full from the Benchmark Sims Website.
  2. Unzip the Falcon and launch the executable Falcon BMS_4.XX_Full_Setup.exe .
  3. Follow the installation steps.
  4. After the installation, it will be ask if you wish to look for updates online. Click “yes" to update to the latest version.
  5. Done

WIndows update

Notes, Falcon BMS need to update one by one. (4.37.4 > Update > Hotfix).


  • First methode: Go to the Falcon BMS root folder and launch the executable update.exe .
  • Second methode: Launch the Falcon BMS Alternative Launcher and press "Update".


  1. Download the Falcon BMS update from the Benchmark Sims Website.
  2. Unzip the Falcon Falcon and launch the executable Falcon BMS_4.XX.X_Update.exe .
  3. Follow the installation steps.
  4. Done

Linux Installation

Running Falcon BMS Tools on Linux, (IVC, Weapon Delivery Planner and Mission Commander)

User:Jay tested Falcon BMS on Ubuntu 24.04 with Steam Proton 9.4 and 9.11, it works very normally.
Note: If you see a rundll32.exe error pop-up, just click on "No" to proceed.

First install required libraries

Falcon BMS required .NET Framework 4.8, Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable, and DXVK to run properly.

  1. Run WINEPREFIX="/home/XXX/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/429530/pfx" winetricks -q dotnet48 vcrun2015 dxvk to install all required libraries.
  2. Use WINEPREFIX="/home/XXX/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/429530/pfx" winetricks list-installed to check if all required libraries are installed.

Steam with Wine

  1. Run WINEPREFIX="/home/XXX/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/429530/pfx" wine "/home/XXX/Downloads/Falcon BMS_4.XX_Full_Setup.exe" to install the Falcon BMS.
  2. To run the Falcon BMS Alternative Launcher, run WINEPREFIX="/home/XXX/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/429530/pfx" wine "/media/XXX/.local/share/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/429530/pfx/drive_c/Falcon BMS 4.37/Launcher/FalconBMS_Alternative_Launcher.exe".

Steam with Steam Proton

  1. Run WINEPREFIX="/home/XXX/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/429530/pfx" wine "/home/XXX/Downloads/Falcon BMS_4.XX_Full_Setup.exe" to install the Falcon BMS.
  2. Follow the installation steps.
  3. After the installation, it will be ask if you wish to look for updates online. Click “yes" to update to the latest version.
  4. To run the Falcon BMS Alternative Launcher, run STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH=/media/XXX/.local/share/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/429530 STEAM_COMPAT_CLIENT_INSTALL_PATH=/home/XXX/.local/share/Steam /home/XXX/.local/share/Steam/compatibilitytools.d/GE-Proton9-XX/proton run "/media/XXX/.local/share/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/429530/pfx/drive_c/Falcon BMS 4.37/Launcher/FalconBMS_Alternative_Launcher.exe".

Falcon BMS Alternative Launcher

So what is Falcon BMS Alternative Launcher?

Screenshot of Falcon BMS Alternative Launcher.

Falcon BMS Alternative Launcher is a replacement for stock BMS launcher including key/axis mapping feature. It can configure and save BMS SETUP per Joysticks. When you launch BMS through this app, it auto-generates proper setup files and overwrites them for current device order before BMS find them changed and initialize your setup. You don't have to worry about SETUP mixing up DX order nor resets axis setups even if device sort or numbers have been changed.[1]






  1. “BenchmarkSims/FalconBMS-Launcher: Launcher for Falcon BMS.” GitHub, 2024, Accessed 24 Aug. 2024.